How open-source helped me build a career as a developer in Nigeria

How open-source helped me build a career as a developer in Nigeria

undraw_Graduation_ktn0.png Graduating from university in Nigeria, I found myself with some free time. The few run-ins I had with coding was in Java Language which I dropped because I was having a hard time getting it. I also had poor googling skills so.

I was searching for ways to learn to code online and voila! Freecodecamp. I signed up and started lessons right away, I was so excited to find a platform that I could learn as much as I could. Learning consumed my nights and days. I joined the freecodecamp community on Facebook. Listening to talks and taking in code questions that other people were asking, searching some keywords on the internet and just taking it all in.

After three months of dedicated studying using Freecodecamp, TheNewBoston tutorials from the amazing Bucky Roberts youtube and some Codecademy, I applied for a remote internship with now, a hotel booking company based in Lagos Nigeria. It was filled with people of different experience levels. I got a peek at what working as a software engineer would be like. The internship involved converting UI mockups to HTML and CSS code. I worked mainly on the HTML and CSS part and very little Javascript. I did not know much JavaScript. The internship was quite short. I left wanting to know all I can about Javascript and how to use it in real projects.

I'd gained a little knowledge of Javascript and wanted to improve, I did some research and found TheOdinProject This was an absolute gamechanger for me. The most important thing I learned from TheOdinProject is how to break down a problem into smaller problems. It also structures your learning to help you learn things you'll most likely use as an entry-level developer when you gain full-time employment.

Starting out with FreeCodeCamp, I used it as my primary source of learning and used Codecademy to revisit certain topics you need to. I also practise algorithms problems using codewars. I don't do it as much as I used to, but I loved it cause of the UI. There are other platforms you can use to practise your problem solving like leetcode, hackerrank, e.t.c.

You can tell me how you got into coding in the comments